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The Natural [Answers 3]

  Answers 3

  The Natural

  Dawn Holiday is a confident woman who knows what she wants. The way she walks, talks, and acts proves it. She is totally in control and she’d have it no other way. But always being in control wasn’t making her happy.

  Micah London and Wilder and Hunter McCabe have never met anyone like Dawn. She has a presence that could command a room, but she is a contradiction in terms. Always in control but wants to be controlled. It doesn’t take long for her to instill herself into their hearts.

  After Dawn reveals the reason she has trouble with being controlled, the men set about teaching her it’s okay to allow someone else to take the lead. They didn’t expect to fall in love with her in the bargain. She didn’t expect to fall in love with them. By the end of the weekend, the four know they are destined to explore the rest of their lives together.

  Genre: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 20,319 words


  Answers 3

  Christelle Mirin


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2012 by Christelle Mirin

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-393-5

  First E-book Publication: September 2012

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Answers 3


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Dawn Holiday strode through the front door of Answers Spa, her heels clicking loudly like a staccato back beat to the sound of the wheels of her overnight case rolling on the terra-cotta-toned tile floor of the entry hall.

  She slid her sunglasses from her face and tucked them into her large Coach purse, which was slung over her left shoulder. She jerked her head slightly, slinging her blonde tresses back over her shoulder, and held her chin high. Like a woman on a mission, Dawn was hell-bent on getting this weekend retreat started. “Hello?” she called, passing a sitting room on her left and continuing down the hall. “Is anyone here?” She was early, but that was no matter. In her mind, being early was being on time. If she was on time, she was late. That philosophy had served her well in landing the job of executive secretary for one of the moguls on the Strip, even though she was only twenty-five and had little experience. Just because she had inherited more money than she could ever need didn’t mean she didn’t want to have a career. That was why she worked, and she was good at what she did. Dawn was a determined girl, and she was here now at Answers to get some experience in another realm. A sensual one.

  A door opened on her right, and a nice-looking, Latino man stepped into the hall. “Can I help you?” he asked, looking up at her.

  Dawn stopped and gave him a half-smile. At five foot nine, wearing three-inch heels, she towered over him. “I’m Dawn Holiday, and I’ve got a reservation for this weekend. And you are?”

  He wasn’t really short by any means, maybe five foot six or so, but still he had to tilt his head back a bit to meet her eyes. “Welcome, Miss Holiday. I’m Billy Deleon. I’m sorry our regular head of operations isn’t here at the moment, but Adam has the weekend off.” He reached for her hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing it lightly. “I’m very happy to meet you, and I can lead you where you need to go. If you’ll follow me, we’ll get you settled right in for your weekend retreat. Here, let me take your case.” He reached for the handle of her overnight bag and drew it toward him.

  She tilted her head slightly. “Will you be one of my counselors, Mister Deleon?” He wasn’t really her type, but he was interesting. Dark hair and dark eyes, his skin was the color of creamy coffee. He would be a delightful difference if she spent any quality time with him.

  His dark eyes glittered. “I’m afraid not, Miss Holiday. I’m not scheduled for your sessions, but I assure you, the counselors who are assigned to you will be very knowledgeable. Come, we will get you started.” He turned and walked down the hall, beckoning to her while he looked over his shoulder.

  Dawn ran a hand down her powder-blue skirt then shifted her purse on her shoulder and followed him deeper into the building. “How large is this complex?” she asked when they turned left and entered another hallway. She thought she saw at least six doors that would open off this hall.

  Billy Deleon turned right, leading her into yet another hall. “It is quite large. We’ve recently added on to the complex due to the increase in clientele. We can accommodate twelve clients at any one time, and we have multiple areas for counseling sessions. Here we are,” he said, stopping in front of a set of double doors on her left.

  When he opened the doors and stepped inside, Dawn smiled. She entered the suite, glad she had booked one of the more expensive ones. It was beautiful and would suit her perfectly. “Very good,” she said, walking into the suite with long strides. She dropped her purse on the table that sat against the back of a long, pure white couch. She moved toward the floor-to-ceiling windows directly across from the couch and looked out at the barren desert beyond. “You said you could
accommodate up to twelve clients, but I didn’t see anyone else when I arrived or while you were bringing me to my room. Am I the only one here?” She turned to look at him, crossing her arms beneath her breasts.

  He rolled her case into the room and moved toward a doorway on her left. “No, we have others here. Most of our clientele like to enjoy seclusion during their stay. With what we do here, I’m sure you understand the need for privacy.” He nodded at her and gave her a cheeky wink. “I’ll just place this in your room for you. Please, make yourself at home.” Then he ducked through the doorway into the other room.

  Dawn sighed and looked around the room while she waited for him to return. She figured the room he had disappeared into was the bedroom. She was standing in the living room and noted an open doorway on her left and also a door that was closed. She walked toward the open doorway and peeked into a small kitchen. There was a table that seated two and a fridge, stove, and dishwasher. It would do for a weekend, but she wasn’t planning on doing any cooking. She moved to the closed door, wondering what could be behind it. She tried the doorknob, but it was locked. Frowning, she couldn’t fathom any reason for them to lock her out of one of the rooms she had rented.

  “I’m sorry, but you’ll need to talk to your counselors before you enter that particular room,” Billy said, coming back into the living room.

  She turned toward him. “Why? Is there something behind it I’m not allowed to see?”

  “You will be able to use the room, but there’s a certain process we have to go through before you are given full use of the suite.” He clasped his hands together at his waist. “I’ll ring up Hunter and Wilder and have them come by, and they can explain it to you.” He moved toward the entrance doors. “Until then, please help yourself to anything in the suite. The refrigerator is fully stocked if you’re thirsty or hungry. The twins will be along soon.”


  Billy hesitated, the door open for him to leave. “Yes. Hunter and Wilder are twins. Identical twins.” He smiled widely at her. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy meeting them.” With a nod, he left, closing the door behind him.

  “Hmm, twins. This should be interesting.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder and headed for the kitchen. Hopefully there was something a little stronger than water or soda in the fridge. It was only four in the afternoon, but she could use a sip of something to get her heart up to speed.

  * * * *

  Hunter and Wilder sat at Hunter’s desk, going over the questionnaire Dawn Holiday had filled out.

  “How do you think we should approach this?” Wilder asked, leaning back in the chair on the other side of the desk. He parked his ankle on the opposite knee. “Should we go in like we own the place or play it safe and wait for some signal from her before we proceed?”

  Hunter closed the file on Dawn Holiday and placed his hands on top of it. “I’m not sure. According to her record, she is only interested in learning about bondage and learning to be submissive. I don’t know why or if there is anything in her background that caused her to want to do this, so I think the best route would be to watch for a sign from her on how to begin.”

  Billy opened the office door and stepped in.

  Hunter nodded at him and continued, “If she is shy, we’ll have to tread lightly.”

  Billy laughed. “I don’t think you have to worry about her shyness.”

  Wilder looked up at him. “Really. She’s here already?”

  Billy nodded. “I just tucked her into her suite.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorjamb. “She was early and actually didn’t wait for someone to meet her in the lobby. She just walked right down the hall as if she owned the place. Luckily I came out of the office when I did or she may have disturbed one of the other clients while looking for someone to tell her which way to go.”

  “And you say she’s not shy.” Hunter was intrigued. Most women who came here were either so shy they had to coax them into their suites or so excited to be here they could barely be controlled. He hoped she was not one of those. They always wore him out, mentally and physically. Being a sex therapist wasn’t an easy job. After the training and getting used to being with women who were sometimes so reluctant to allow themselves to even be seen with no clothes on, Hunter was exhausted most of the time.

  “Far from it,” Billy said with a wink. “She’s tall and blonde and walks like she’s on a mission. Very vocal and seems to know what she wants. She wasn’t afraid to ask questions, either.” Billy shook his head and smiled. “It’s not often we get a woman like her. I have a feeling she’s going to be a force to be reckoned with.”

  Wilder rubbed his hands together. “I can’t wait to get started. It makes me wonder even more why she wants to learn to be submissive and explore bondage. A woman like you’ve described usually likes to be in charge most of the time.”

  Hunter rubbed his chin. “You’re right, Wilder. Why would she even be here in the first place? I’m sure, if she’s as confident as Billy says, she could have found someone who isn’t a therapist who would be happy to oblige her desires.” Tall, blonde, and confident was a definite head-turner for any man.

  “There must be something deeper,” Wilder said. “Something about trust, I’ll bet. Well, brother”—he rose from his chair—“let’s go meet Miss Holiday and get this started. We’ll know more once we start talking to her.”

  Hunter stood, his gaze locking with the mirror image of his own. His brother was almost an exact copy of himself. The only difference was Wilder was a bit more beefy, thanks to working out with weights. Hunter always took pains to notice the way a client reacted when he and his twin brother arrived at their door. “All right then. I’m ready. Let’s go.”

  * * * *

  Peering into the fridge, she found a bottle of white wine. “Perfect.” She pulled out the bottle and, within a couple of minutes, was sipping a wonderful glass of wine while she looked out the windows of the living room. This was an experiment she had been looking forward to for a long time. She’d heard about Answers Spa from a few of the women she worked with and also, about how discreet they were here. It was perfect. There were things she wanted to know, and she didn’t trust anyone to teach her and keep their mouth shut. She’d always been a woman who sought out what she wanted, but the whole world didn’t have to know about her personal life. Some things begged to be kept private if she wanted to get anywhere in this world.

  When she had filled out her questionnaire for her “therapy,” she made sure she made herself clear when it came to what she wanted to accomplish. She also stressed the fact that she wanted her therapy to begin immediately upon arrival. Dawn was not one to hesitate or pussyfoot around. When it came to acquiring something she wanted, she went after it with a vengeance. She hoped they had read that part of her questionnaire and didn’t mess around when it came to getting this whole thing started.

  A knock on the door caused her to turn away from the windows. “Come in,” she called.

  The double doors opened, and two men entered. “Good afternoon, Miss Holiday,” they said in tandem.

  Dawn drew in a long, slow breath, trying to keep her expression neutral as she watched them close the doors behind them and walk toward her.

  They were both about six feet tall and had blond hair that was parted in the middle and hung past their shoulders. One of them looked a bit more muscular than the other, but their eyes were mirror images of cool, blue water. Their light tan spoke of spending time outside in the Nevada heat, and it accentuated the blondness of their hair. Both were dressed in jeans, but where one wore a T-shirt the color of coral, the other wore a pale-blue polo shirt. If these were her counselors, she was one lucky girl.

  “It’s so nice to meet you,” the one in the T-shirt said, offering her his hand when he came up to her. “I’m Wilder McCabe, one of your counselors for the weekend.” He took her hand and held it gently.

  The warmth of his hand seeped into hers, sending a smoky tendril of his h
eat up her arm. “Very nice to meet you, too, Mr. McCabe.”

  He dipped his head slightly. “Wilder, please. We’re always on a first name basis here. Do you mind if I call you Dawn?”

  “Of course not. Please do.” She looked at the other twin. “And you are?”

  “Hunter,” he said, smiling.

  She noticed a dimple in his right cheek that the other twin didn’t have. It might be a good way for her to tell them apart. They were so similar, if they were dressed the same, they would be almost exactly alike. “Hello, Hunter.”

  “Please, why don’t we sit down and get to know each other a bit,” Wilder said, leading her toward the couch.

  “I’ve got to tell you,” Hunter said, sitting down beside her. “You have the most wonderful name. Dawn Holiday. It reminds me of either a showgirl or a female gunslinger.”

  Dawn chuckled. “I’ve heard the showgirl reference before and someone also told me my name could be a stripper’s, but I’ve never been told it reminded someone of a gunslinger.”

  “Well, you don’t look like a gunslinger,” Wilder commented, running his hand down her arm. Sitting on the other side of her, he smiled. “You look like a runway model.”

  Sitting between two handsome men who were just her type with their blond hair and blue eyes was exactly where she wanted to be. It was all good, but it could be better. She raised her glass to her lips and finished the wine. “Wilder, Hunter,” she said, leaning forward to place her glass on the table in front of the couch. “I do like being complimented, but let me assure you, I don’t need it. I’m very confident and always have been. I’m a realist though, and I know a lot of men are drawn to my looks and not what’s behind them. My intellect.” She stood, moving around the table and turning to face them where they sat. “I hope we can dispense with the stroking of my ego and get on with my therapy. If you don’t mind.” To be honest, she loved being complimented, but she didn’t like to show it. She didn’t want to appear to be vulnerable when it came to her looks. Dawn was very aware of how words could sting.