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Transference (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

  Her weird vision that came after—or was it during? The weird part was during, yes—the blue dream wasn’t the only thing Crystaline hadn’t told the nurses or the doctor about. There was something else, something just below the surface that moved inside her in sinuous waves with the blue smoke, that she hadn’t told them about. She knew what it was. Had felt it once or twice before the lightning but not like it was now. It had become more powerful since it had mixed with the blue. Crystaline closed her eyes again, feeling it strengthening, beginning to undulate inside her like an ongoing wave that had no end. She tried to will it to calm itself.

  To breathe. Just breathe.

  The thing floating beneath the surface, mingling with the smoke of Mischa’s eyes, had a name—


  Chapter Two

  Joe Travis went about checking on patients, updating files and listening to Betty complain about her husband Ralph’s incessant snoring and how that was the reason she had switched to the night shift. But his mind wasn’t really in the here and now. All he could think about was a pair of big blue eyes and a girl that made the strangest noises when she dreamed.

  Joe leaned back in his chair and parked his pencil between his teeth. There was something about Crystaline Campbell that got to him. Something a little off center and not quite right. It made him want to take her in his arms and tell her everything would be okay, and then he wanted to take her in his arms and do way more than comfort her. He should feel bad about having that urge, but he didn’t. He could have urges all he wanted…just as long as he didn’t act on them. His career would be dust, not to mention his self-esteem.

  “Hey, Betty,” he said, taking the pencil out of his mouth and using it to tap a beat on the desktop. “What do you think she’s dreaming about? When she makes those noises, you know?”

  “Who?” Betty didn’t look up from the knitting in her lap.

  “The Campbell girl. The lightning—”

  “Oh, her,” Betty interrupted. “I expect she’s dreaming about being struck dead by lightning. I know I would.” She gave a dramatic shiver. “Would sure scare the heck out of me, what that girl’s been through.”

  Joe crossed his arms over his chest. “The noises she makes though”—he shook his head—“they don’t sound like she’s afraid of something.”

  Betty stilled her knitting needles and looked at him. “It’s obvious she’s having a nightmare. The way she wakes up gasping and clawing at things. I’ve seen her do that three times since she’s been here.”

  Joe nodded. “You’re probably right. I’d be having nightmares, too, if I was almost electrocuted.”

  Betty nodded, a knowing look on her face. “It’s amazing she lived.”

  Joe leaned forward, looking at the chart that was open on the desk in front of him. It was hers. Crystaline Campbell, twenty-four years old, single, blood type B positive. The list went on, nothing in particular standing out about her basic information until he reached her next of kin—none—and her emergency contact, which stated the same—none. “Hey, Betty, do you happen to know who brought her in?” he asked, flipping the page to see if he missed something.

  The knitting needles clicked. “Seems to me a neighbor had come home and saw her lying out in the mud in front of her house.” The click, click silenced.

  Joe glanced at Betty.

  “You know,” she said, “it’s a little sad.”

  Joe raised an eyebrow, questioning. “What’s sad? The neighbor finding her?”

  “Don’t get me wrong.” Betty flapped a hand at him. “I’m glad someone found her, but it’s just so sad that she has no one. That a neighbor had to find her.”

  Joe closed Crystaline’s file and turned toward Betty. “She’s got to have someone somewhere. A relative or a friend…”

  The needles began their clicking dance again. “Only person I’ve seen visit her said he was her neighbor. That’s how I know the neighbor was the one who found her to begin with. Talked to him myself.”

  >“Pretty girl like her, hard to believe she doesn’t at least have a boyfriend.”

  Betty shot him a sidelong glance. “You were flirting with her.”

  Joe grinned. “Maybe a little.”

  “Don’t be losing your job because of a pretty little girl, Joe Travis. Besides, she’s too young for you—”

  “Now wait a minute,” Joe said, interrupting her. “What do you mean ‘she’s too young’? I’m only thirty-nine.”

  “Almost old enough to be her father. In fact, you are old enough to be her father.”

  “I am not!” Joe tried to sound indignant but was having trouble keeping from laughing. It was true, he was old enough to be her father, but too old? Hah!

  “Just be careful.” Betty stilled her needles again and pinned him with a look. “Be very careful, Joe.”

  Joe sobered. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize my job.” He got up and stretched. It was three in the morning. One more hour then his shift was over. His first night of swing shift—eight in the evening until four in the morning—had been pretty quiet. That was the problem. It had been so quiet he was beginning to get sleepy. He needed to walk. To do something to wake up. He stopped behind Betty’s chair and placed his hands on her shoulders. He leaned down until he was just beside her ear. “I might ask her out to dinner as she’s checking out though,” he said.

  She didn’t drop a stitch. “At least wait until then, but you know, you still will have to be careful.”

  Joe straightened. “The supervisor can’t do anything to me if I ask someone to dinner after they’ve left the hospital. Heck, practically everyone has been in the hospital at some point in their life.”

  “Not everybody has been your patient, and besides, I wasn’t talking about work.” She tilted her head back and looked up at him. “I was talking about your heart.”

  An hour later, Joe was finally headed home. He’d thought about Betty’s remarks and dismissed them easily. His job was secure as long as he waited to act upon his urge to ask Crystaline out. And his heart—he was tired of guarding it. His marriage had crumbled ten years ago, the divorce final within months of him walking out the door. He’d never gotten close to anyone after that. But now, hell, he was thirty-nine. If some woman stole his heart, he’d deal with it. His mouth curled in a smile as he walked quietly down the hall, the thought of feeling something for a woman again starting to grow on him. It just might feel nice.

  Joe shoved one hand in the pocket of his jeans and allowed his smile to widen. Yes, it might feel pretty darn good if someone like her sunk her claws into him, even if it was only for a while.

  He passed by the door to her room, tempted to go in just to look at her while she slept. That wouldn’t do. What if Betty, who was still on shift until seven, caught him? He’d get another lecture for sure.

  A small sound made him stop a few paces past her door. A tiny mewling sound.

  Joe backed up, pausing at her door. It stood ajar, a space of about two inches open. Listening intently, he heard her sigh. It was a sigh of…satisfaction? Pleasure? Longing?

  He eased the door open further, peering into the darkened room. The shaft of light coming from the hall illuminated her midsection and hips. She was turned toward the door, her knees brought up to her stomach. She let out a tiny whimper, one leg jerking once, twice, then stilled.

  Joe didn’t want the light from the hall to wake her, but he also wanted to make sure she wasn’t having a nightmare. He stepped inside the room and eased the door shut behind him.

  The hush of the room weighed heavily on his shoulders. The only sound was the muted click and whir of the IV pump and her breathing. Joe walked softly toward the bed, squinting into the darkness. Faint light glowed from the IV pump, allowing him to make out the edge of the bed, Crystaline’s body curled beneath the light blanket.

  He stopped at the side of the bed. Even in the dim light, she was beautiful. Her arm lay draped along her side, her hand el
egantly resting on the curve of her hip. Her skin shone like alabaster, creamy and fragile at the same time. How she had managed to survive a lightning strike amazed him. It really was no surprise that she had nightmares. He lifted his hand and let it hover just above the one she rested on her hip. In slow motion, he moved his hand up her arm, his palm barely an inch above her skin. He wanted to touch her, in the worst way, but he knew it would probably wake her. He shouldn’t touch her anyway. Not in the way he was thinking. His hand passed her elbow, making a slow trek toward her shoulder.

  She took a deep breath, the movement causing her arm to raise a fraction.

  His palm grazed her skin. He froze. Though the contact lasted for a barely a second, he had been able to feel the smooth warmth of her skin, exposed to his, and the heat of his need to touch her increased. He waited, afraid to move lest he wake her.

  She groaned low in her throat and rolled toward him.

  Joe closed his eyes, tilted his head back, and gritted his teeth.

  His hand now rested on her right breast.

  I shouldn’t be doing this. Should not be doing this.

  He opened his eyes and glanced at the door. Still closed. His gaze returned to the woman lying on the bed. Immediately, his stomach clenched.

  Her eyes were open.

  She was awake!

  Joe swallowed, the lump in his throat the size of a baseball. “I’m sorry, I…” He lifted his hand a bit, splaying his fingers. “…I didn’t mean to…”

  To his surprise, she drew in a deep breath, arching her back. Bringing his hand in contact with her breast again. She looked at him through thick lashes, her eyes bright even in the dim light.

  “I, uh…” Joe fought a groan when her hand came up and grasped his wrist, holding his hand in place as she relaxed back onto the bed.

  Good grief, she wants me to touch her.

  Their gazes locked and held. Her eyes, so crystal blue even in the dark, drew him in and drowned him.

  His fingers moved over the fullness of her breast. The thin hospital gown she wore almost no barrier at all, he kneaded the firm mound, the heat of her searing his palm. He was hard in an instant, wanting to do more than just touch.

  She parted her lips and arched up again, snaking her arms above her head. Offering him full access.

  “Jesus,” he said, wondering if his legs would continue to hold him upright.

  * * * *

  Crystaline watched him through half-closed eyes. He teetered on the edge, and it wouldn’t take much to send him over. Her insides bubbled with heat that she needed relief from. She’d never felt it this strong before, but it felt…interesting. Something she wanted to explore. With Joe.

  Right now.

  “Touch me,” she whispered, her voice low and sensual even to her own ears.

  He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing, but he didn’t take his hand away. He was fighting for control. She could tell by the clenching of his jaw and the heat in his eyes. Whether he would give in or not was taking too much time. She needed to push just a little bit more.

  The need to be stroked by his large hands almost overpowered her. In a fluid move, she pushed his hand away and came up on her knees on the bed in front of him. He turned to face her fully. She reached up and grabbed the shoulders of the hospital gown. She pulled. Snaps popped open. The gown fell to her waist. She took both his hands and placed them firmly on her naked aching breasts. “Touch me, Joe.”

  “Aw hell,” he breathed, cupping both her breasts.

  Crystaline leaned into his touch, raising her arms again to lift the hair off the back of her neck.

  “Damn, you’re…gorgeous,” he said, his eyes raking her, his thumbs rasping roughly over her nipples.

  She shuddered, the sensation urging her on. More, she needed more. Slowly bringing her arms down, she placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned forward. His hands, warm and firm, slid around her waist then to her back, fingers splayed.

  Crystaline pressed forward, flattening herself against his rock solid chest. Rubbing her cheek against his, she whispered in his ear. “You want me. I know you do.” She wove her fingers into his hair. His breathing was becoming heavier. She nipped his earlobe then quickly licked it lightly. “I want your hands all over me, Joe. Stroking me. Petting me.” She swayed, rubbing against him. “Don’t you want to touch me? To pet me?”

  * * * *

  “Oh God, do I ever,” he said, his voice tight, showing the strain he was under. “But I can’t.”

  Joe allowed himself to slide his hands over the roundness of her bottom before he moved them to her wrists. “You have to let me go.” Clasping both her wrists, he unwound her arms from around his neck and took a step back.

  She tilted her head, looked down for a second then back up at him as she settled back onto her heels. “Why?” Her eyes glimmered electric blue for an instant, flashing, then returned to the ocean blue they normally were.

  “Because I’m your nurse and it’s not appropriate for me to be touching you in that way.” He reached up and rubbed a hand across his eyes. “Could you—could you fasten your gown?” he asked, waving his other hand in her direction. The sight of her kneeling on the bed, perfect breasts exposed and there for the taking, was an exquisite torture.

  “I could use some help.”

  Joe dropped his hand from his eyes and stepped forward. Grasping the material, he gently pulled it up, covering her. He could feel her eyes on his face as he reached over her shoulder and brought the back piece up then snapped her left shoulder seam. He moved to the right side. He leaned forward, reaching around her to the back again.

  “I still want you, you know,” she said, her words warm against his ear.

  He grit his teeth and straightened, snapping the cloth together at her shoulder. “Are you sure you’re not trying to get me fired?” He snagged the edge of the bed covers and lifted them, jerking his thumb at her to get back into the bed.

  She scooted around and laid back down, her expression one of pure innocence. “What do you mean?”

  “You keep acting like…like…” He drew the cover up to her waist.

  “Like what?” One corner of her mouth curled up, ruining the look of innocence and replacing it with “way too playful.”

  “Like a sex kitten.” He checked her IV, making sure she hadn’t dislodged it, then checked the tubing.

  “Sex kitten, huh? Hmm. I’ve never thought of myself that way.”

  “Are you kidding? Good grief, woman—the way you just were—you almost melted the soles off my shoes.”

  “Really?” She smiled. A genuine smile.

  He stopped and placed a hand on her arm. “Really.”

  Her smile grew into a grin. “It’s strange. Ever since this accident, I’ve been feeling different. Like…I don’t know…more earthy. Almost sensual. It that a side effect or something? Maybe from one of the pills I’m taking?”

  “Haven’t you ever felt this way before?”

  She shook her head. “Not really. I mean, it’s never been this powerful.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “I’ve never been as bold before.”

  Joe moved to the foot of the bed, putting space between them. If she grew “bold” again, he didn’t think he could stop himself. “Have you said anything to your doctor about this…side effect?”

  Again, she shook her head no. “I don’t know if I want to.” Crystaline settled back into her pillow and rested her hands on her stomach.

  “Why not?”

  “What if he thinks I’m nuts? Or worse yet—a hussy?” She caught her bottom lip with her teeth and looked away.

  Joe’s heart went out to her. He’d seen the hint of tears in her eyes just before she turned away. He cleared his throat, trying to get her attention. She looked his way, swiping at her right eye with a quick movement. “You say you’ve felt this way before, just not as powerful, right?” he asked, grasping the footboard of the bed.

  “Yes, but most definitely not nearly as
powerful. I would have never—oh my goodness.” Her hands flew to her mouth, her eyes growing round and wet. “I’m so sorry,” she said shakily. “I threw myself at you.” A tear spilled over her dark lashes and traced her cheek.

  Aw hell. Joe rounded the bed and perched on the edge. Sliding his arm around her, he pulled her to his chest. She wrapped her arms around his waist, her cheek resting over his heart. “Don’t cry,” he crooned, rubbing her back. “What you did, I thoroughly enjoyed.”

  She let out a choked laugh.

  He smiled and rested his chin on the top of her head. “Back to the subject of your feelings. Are you sure the strength of them wasn’t because of me? I am a pretty handsome guy, you know.”

  When she laughed, it was music to his ears.

  Chapter Three

  She wondered if she was crazy. If being struck by lightning hadn’t stirred up her brain cells, bringing something new to the surface. Something that had been lying dormant until now.

  Crystaline lay in the hospital bed, watching the sun come up through the window. The blue dream had come again during the night. She’d come awake in a haze, clawing at the bedcovers. She must not have cried out or set off any monitors because this time when she woke she was alone.

  After, she couldn’t sleep. A raw, aching need inside her kept her from relaxing. She needed company. She needed Joe. She needed…someone.

  The sun broke through a cloud, and golden rays of light struck her face. She squinted against it.

  “Good morning, Miss Campbell,” a new nurse said, walking into the room, dragging her cart of medical equipment behind her. She flicked on the light above the head of the bed and snatched Crystaline’s wrist to check her pulse before Crystaline even had a chance to roll over onto her back. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “I’m tired of being in this bed. I’m ready to go home.” Crystaline rolled over and scooted to a sitting position. “Do you think the doctor will let me go home today?”