The Natural [Answers 3] Read online

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  “I thought you wanted to be on the submissive side, and here you are, being suggestive instead.”

  She slipped one hand around his waist and trailed her nails over his lower back. “Let’s make an agreement, shall we? You and Hunter and this Micah I’m supposed to meet soon will push me to my limits, but, once in a while, I get to decide when, where, and how we deepen our relationship. Agreed?"

  She was elegant and sexy, and seemed to know what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to say so. Dawn Holiday was turning into his dream woman, and he wasn’t totally sure how to handle it. Only knowing her for a very short time, Wilder thought he may have just met his match. He wondered vaguely how Hunter saw her. They usually were on the same page when it came to women. It had caused quite a few disagreements when they were younger. Now that they were older, they had reached an agreement themselves. If one of them found a woman he felt he couldn’t live without, he would introduce her to the other and then, hopefully and if she was agreeable, they would ask her to share their lives. The agreement also included Micah, a man they were so close to he might as well be their brother. If the three of them could find such a woman, one who would share her life with the three of them, it would be their little part of nirvana. They had yet to meet her, but Wilder was optimistic. She could be standing in front of him right now.

  “All right,” he said, planting a kiss on her full lips. “Hunter? Miss Holiday would like us to share her shower. You in?”

  “Are you kidding?” Hunter came up beside him. “I’ll order dinner and ask that Micah bring it along when it’s ready. Until then, let’s get wet.”

  * * * *

  Hunter could not believe what he was feeling at this moment. Those bright green eyes of Dawn’s sparkled when she smiled, and then she moved slightly to the side and slid her arm through his. When she looked up at him, his heart did a little flip, and when she laughed as she led him and his brother from the room, the sound was like bells. Dawn was a woman he would notice immediately, wherever he saw her. She had a glow about her, a shining quality that drew him like a moth to a flame. She was the embodiment of the woman he had been dreaming of all his life, and he wanted so much more than just a weekend with her. She was funny and smart and stunning, a combination of everything it took to be his fantasy woman. He was attracted to her, no doubt about it.

  He glanced at Wilder, noting the fact that his brother couldn’t take his eyes off her. He feels it, too. Had they just met her, the one they had been looking for? He cleared his throat, trying to get his mind back on the matter at hand.

  Dawn Holiday wasn’t here for romance. She was here for sexual therapy, and that was his first priority.

  He pulled the door to the experimentation room closed behind him, and the three of them walked toward the bedroom suite.

  “I think you’ll enjoy the shower,” Wilder said. “It’s very large with multiple showerheads.”

  “How many people can it accommodate?” she asked, her hip bumping against Hunter’s companionably.

  “At least six, though we’ve never tried that many,” Hunter added, joining in the conversation. “The three of us should be able to move about as we wish.”

  They entered the bedroom suite, and Dawn stopped, pausing for a good look at the room. “This is lovely,” she said, her voice hushed. “I think I’m going to like it here.” She released their arms and walked toward the bed, running her hand over the satin coverlet. “I may even want to move in.” She turned back to them, smiling. “Where’s the shower?”

  * * * *

  Dawn was impressed with the bathroom.

  It was tastefully decorated in muted blues and sharp, pure white. The shower ran the length of one wall, tiled in white with blue trim and a clear glass wall to keep the water inside. A set of doors with silver handles were centered on the glass wall, and from what she could see, there were four showerheads to grace them with warm, steamy water.

  The twins had led her inside, and then both of them helped her to rid herself of the vestiges of her clothing. Then they stripped, and all three of them stepped into the massive tiled shower. “Tell me if it gets too hot,” Wilder said, adjusting the spray from all four showerheads.

  The water poured down on her like a soft, warm rain. “Oh, this is heaven,” she said, lifting her arms and tilting her head back to wet her hair. She stood in the center, flanked on each side by a gorgeous man. Never in her wildest dreams had she pictured this. If this was therapy, she needed a lot of it.

  Wilder and Hunter both took a bar of sweetly scented soap and began to lather her skin.

  Dawn closed her eyes, and with her arms still raised, hands buried in her hair, she reveled in the feeling of four hands gliding over her body at the same time. Steam began to fog the air around them, making it even more like a dream. Within minutes, the two men had her quivering with need. She dropped her arms to rest on their shoulders and widened her stance. “Now that I’m about ready to explode, could one of you do something about it?” she asked coyly.

  Hunter pressed her against the shower wall and took her mouth, ravaging it with his kiss. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and opened to him, allowing him full access. Then she felt someone at her feet, but he didn’t stay there long. Wilder parted her labia, and then his mouth was making love to her clit.

  “Mmm,” she groaned, almost losing her footing. Hunter held her, standing at her side while thrusting his tongue in her mouth. Wilder sucked at her clit, his hands pressing her thighs open and helping to hold her upright.

  Her body suddenly went limp, an orgasm crashing through her so hard she swore her heart stopped for a second. Her whole body pulsed, her heart starting up again only to beat against her breastbone like a hammer. Hunter released her mouth, and she gulped for air. “S–stop,” she pleaded, the pleasure so sharp and pure she didn’t think she could take it.

  Wilder moved away, stroking the length of her thighs as she struggled to bring herself back to reality. Hunter pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly to his chest.

  She rested her cheek on his shoulder, the water sluicing over her body as the last of the orgasm faded away like smoke. “Oh my god,” she said, kissing Hunter’s neck. “I think I love you both.”

  She heard him chuckle, a low rumbling in his chest. “Let’s get you dried off before we get all wrinkled,” he said.

  Wilder shut off the water and opened the doors, letting in the cooler air of the bathroom.

  Both of them helped her to dry off then wrapped her in a fluffy white robe. Then they dried themselves, each of them pulling on a pale-blue robe after getting them from a small closet in the bathroom. Moving together, the three of them entered the bedroom suite and Hunter led her to the small bench at the end of the bed. “Here, sit down for a moment,” he said. Then he moved toward the door to the living room. “Wilder will keep you company while I check on dinner.”

  Wilder sat down beside her and, taking hold of her shoulders, turned her so that her back was to him. He lifted the wet strands of her hair over her shoulders to her back and then began to comb it with long, smooth strokes.

  “You make me feel pampered,” she said, tucking one leg beneath the other. “Do you do this for all the women who come here?”

  “You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t discuss other clients. Besides, you’re very special, and no, I don’t normally do this for others.”

  Special. “Are you married, Wilder?” She didn’t know why she asked it, but something told her to.


  “I can’t believe someone hasn’t snatched you up. What about your brother?”

  “Thanks for the compliment, and no, Hunter isn’t married either.”

  She looked down at her hands, picking at one fingernail. “Is it just that you haven’t found the right woman yet?”

  He laughed, tugging at her hair jokingly. “You are full of questions, Dawn. I haven’t found the right woman just yet, but I have a feeling that may change soon. Now.�
� He turned her toward him. “Are you hungry?”

  He has a face I could look at every time I open my eyes. She swallowed and mentally shook herself. It was like he and his brother were the first men to ever bring her to orgasm, and she was falling in love with them because of it. Stop being foolish. She smiled and nodded. “As a matter of fact, I am hungry. You two have really sparked my appetite.”

  Wilder took her hand and pulled her up with him from the bench. “Well, let’s get you something to eat. You’re going to need your energy this weekend. We have a lot planned for you.”

  He led her toward the door to the living room, and when he opened it, she was struck by a roughish-looking man standing in the living room. He had short brown hair that looked like it needed a trim and large brown eyes rimmed with dark lashes. But he looked like he should be on a motorcycle and not pouring a cup of coffee from a pot into a dainty china cup like he was currently doing.

  Wilder tugged at her hand again, pulling her into the living room. “I see you made it,” he said to the man she didn’t know. Turning toward her, Wilder winked. “Dawn, I’d like you to meet Micah.”

  “Hello,” she said, wondering if he often met women dressed only in a robe. “Nice to meet you.” He was a bit shorter than Wilder and Hunter, just about her height. Dressed in worn jeans and a black, form-fitting tee shirt, he could make a good girl’s mouth water. Bad boys always had that sort of aura, and that was exactly what he emitted, in spades.

  He held out the coffee cup in her direction. “Have some coffee, Dawn. It’s one of my special brews. I hope you like it.”

  She walked to the back of the couch and reached over it to take the cup. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” His brown eyes held a mysterious air. “I can’t wait to get to know you.”

  Chapter Four

  The four of them sat at the dining room table, enjoying an early dinner and getting to know each other a little.

  “I hope we didn’t come on too strong or too fast,” Hunter said, turning his water glass in his hand. He looked a little nervous.

  Dawn shook her head, swallowing the bite of omelet and taking a sip of water before answering. “Most definitely not. I asked that everything start as soon as I arrived, and you two began my weekend with a bang.” She chuckled. “No pun intended.”

  The early dinner was actually more like a brunch. Cheese omelets and fresh fruit with home-baked bread and four different kinds of spreads. Dawn loved it, especially the fruit. They had the most delicious cantaloupe she’d ever tasted. She popped a piece into her mouth, the juicy flavor exploding over her tongue. Chewing happily, she was amazed that she felt so comfortable with these men. Oh sure, she was confident all the time, but when it came to just meeting someone, and the way she had met them, she was normally more subdued.

  Her gaze traveled to Micah, the newest member of their little group. He sat directly across the table from her, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed and a tiny smile on his face while he watched the others eat and converse. He wasn’t eating, only having a cup of coffee and sipping at it once in a while. It seemed almost as if he were studying them, his eyes keenly watching their every move, and listening to their every word.

  Dawn raised her glass to her lips, wondering if Micah was hiding anything or if he was just normally mysterious.

  As if he was reading her mind, Micah turned his intense gaze in her direction, meeting her eyes with his. It made a zap of electricity run up her spine. This man had a sense of power about him, and Dawn couldn’t wait to find out all about it.

  “You’re an only child, aren’t you?” Micah asked, still locking eyes with her.

  “Yes, I am. How would you know that? It’s not on my paperwork that I filled out.” She picked up her fork and tapped it lightly on the edge of her plate.

  Micah tilted his head slightly. “I can tell from the way you act. You’re very confident, and you are used to getting what you want. That says ‘only child’ to me.”

  “It sounds like you mean to say ‘spoiled child.’” She laid her fork down again and folded the linen napkin on her lap.

  He raised his hand, index finger pointed up and waved it back and forth. “Don’t try to put words in my mouth,” he scolded. “I was just making an observation. I didn’t say anything about you being spoiled.”

  “It sounded like that was the way you were leaning. And even if I am spoiled, what’s wrong with that? My parents only had me to dote on, so that did leave an impression on me. I really don’t think I’m what you would call a spoiled brat, though.” This guy was getting to her a little bit. It was unusual for men to talk to her like this. They normally were sickly sweet, only because they wanted in her pants or past her desk to see her boss.

  He unfolded his arms and rose from his chair. She watched him as he moved around the table, walking behind Wilder, and came to stand beside her chair. He wasn’t all that tall, but he seemed to loom above her.

  “Dawn,” he said, placing one hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry if I’ve given you the impression that I’m calling you a brat. I’m not, nothing near that. I’m just trying to figure out why you are the way you are.”

  “Micah likes to find out what makes people tick. It can be annoying at times,” Wilder said, then wiped his mouth with his napkin.

  Micah shrugged and glanced at him, a lopsided grin on his face. “I didn’t realize I annoyed you, Wilder. I’ll have to remember that.”

  “Ha! Only because you want to get on my nerves even more.” Wilder gave him a fake scowl.

  Dawn smiled in spite of their supposedly harsh words with each other. “You two must be good friends,” she said, turning sideways in her chair so that she faced more toward Micah.

  Micah dropped his hand from her shoulder and put his hands on his hips. “Now who’s making snap judgments?” His eyes held a sparkle, crinkling at the corners as a smile pulled his lips wider.

  “Hey, are you saying we don’t get along?” Hunter joined in on the conversation. He turned to Dawn. “We get along great. In fact, we’re like brothers. Wilder and I share a house, and Micah is there six out of seven nights a week, so you might as well say he lives there, too.”

  “I was just picking at Dawn,” Micah said, moving around the table again to return to his chair. He sat down and hooked one arm over the back of his chair, sitting slightly sideways. He parked his opposite elbow on the table and propped his head up with his hand. “I just want to get to know you. It struck me as odd that someone like you would be interested in bondage. I want to know why.”

  Dawn turned in her chair and crossed her legs. “Do we have any coffee left?”

  Hunter reached for the beautiful white coffee carafe and swirled it. “I think there’s maybe a cup left.” He reached over and filled her cup. “I’ll go make some more.” He rose from the table and headed for the kitchen.

  Dawn looked across the table at Micah, their gazes locking on each other. “I have some trust issues,” Dawn said, running her index finger around the rim of her coffee cup. “And every woman at some point in her life wonders what it would be like to be at the mercy of a man, bound and tied. Since my inability to trust someone to keep my desires private, I thought coming here to Answers would be the perfect opportunity to experience a few things I’ve been curious about.”

  Micah’s brows drew together in a frown. “Why Answers? You don’t have a boyfriend that would indulge you?”

  Dawn laughed. “No, I don’t, and even if I did, it would take years for me to be able to trust someone that implicitly.”

  “I don’t understand. I realize most people don’t discuss their sex life, but why is it so important to you to keep this quiet?” Micah straightened in his chair, his gaze becoming more intense.

  “I have a reputation I want to protect. Right now I have a fairly high-powered position, and I plan on moving up even more, so I don’t want give anyone ammunition that may mar my character. I’m sure you understand now.” S
he tilted her head.

  “What you say and what your actions are don’t mesh.” Micah picked up his unused fork and tapped it on the table. “You said it would take years for you to trust someone with your secret desires, and yet, you come here and indulge in them almost as soon as you get here.” He frowned and shook his head. “Am I missing something?”

  Dawn laughed, folding her arms beneath her breasts. “What is this, an inquisition?” She was uncomfortable, mostly because his words rang with the truth. He had her off-kilter and on the defensive. She didn’t like it.

  Micah leaned forward, dropping the fork and parking his elbows on the table. He laced his fingers together then propped his chin on his clasped hands. “I’m rattling you, aren’t I?” he asked, a smile playing over his lips.

  Dawn opened her mouth to blast him with words then thought better of it. She closed her mouth, pressing her lips together while she secretly clenched her hands into fists. He definitely had her blood pumping hot.

  Micah winked when she didn’t answer. “So, are you out of your comfort zone yet?”

  She blinked, realization striking her right between the eyes. “You’re only aggravating me as part of this scenario.”

  He shrugged then leaned back in his chair again. “Sort of. It gets the blood pumping. A little bit of conflict tends to spice things up.” He crossed his arms. “But I would like an answer to my question. If you don’t mind, that is.”

  “Question?” She blanked out for a moment then remembered. “Oh, about the years versus hours when it comes to trust?”

  He nodded.

  She glanced at Wilder, who was silently watching the exchange between them with interest. She sighed then turned her gaze back to Micah. “Okay, I don’t want to hurt your feelings but, in my relationships, I’m very cautious. This”—she waved her hand, gesturing to include both of them and Hunter, who had just returned from making coffee—“I don’t see this as a relationship.”