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The Natural [Answers 3] Page 5

  “Would you like to go sit on the patio? Relax a bit and have some more champagne before we start our day?” He smiled at her.

  She drew in a deep breath. “That would be nice.” She looked at Hunter and Wilder. “Let’s all go, and while we’re sipping champagne, you all can tell me a little about yourselves.”

  “Sounds good.” Wilder kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll grab another bottle. Hunter, grab the glasses, would you?”

  “I’d better go put something on,” Dawn said, tugging at the lapels of her robe.

  Micah slid his arm around her waist. “You’re beautiful just like you are.” He steered her toward the patio doors at the west end of the dining room. “It’s very private on the patio. No one will see you unless you want them to.”

  The patio doors slid open with a shush, and they stepped out onto the cement slab into the warmth of the morning air.

  Micah watched Dawn shield her eyes and look out over the desert beyond. The sun glinted off her hair, highlighting its pale strands with gold. He ached to see her standing in the early light, naked, the sun’s rays bathing her in golden hues. Micah pressed his lips together, wondering what it was about her that touched him so deeply.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said, her voice soft and filled with what sounded like awe. “I didn’t realize there was nothing beyond the building except desert.” She dropped her hand and looked up at him. “You could do anything back here, and no one would see you. There’s only desert out there, and these walls hide the patio.” She gestured toward the privacy fences that ran down the sides of the patio and were attached to the building, shielding the patio from view on three sides. “Do you think I could come out here naked and not be seen?”

  Micah nodded. “Yes, you could, but why would you want to hide such a beautiful body?” He touched her shoulder then ran his hand down the length of her arm.

  Something sparked in her eyes, flashing quickly like a strobe of warning. One corner of her mouth rose in a crooked smile. “I normally don’t hide it.” Her hands went to the sash of her robe. “I’m tempted to take this off and bask in the sun before it gets too hot, but I really wanted to talk, and I think, if I’m naked, we won’t get much talking done.”

  Micah had to grit his teeth to keep himself from helping her out of the robe. She was daring him, and that could be dangerous. Instead of ripping the robe from her body, he took her elbow and led her to a chair at the patio table. “Sit, before something happens.”

  She grinned then, almost bringing him to the point of snatching her robe open, but she sat before he could follow through with that inclination.

  Hunter and Wilder both occupied chairs at the table, and both wore the same smirk as they watched Micah struggle with his urge to take Dawn right here, right now. “Wipe those smiles off your faces, boys,” Micah said, dropping into the only empty chair left.

  “What? We’re not smiling. Are we, Hunter?” Wilder looked at his brother, eyebrows rising dramatically.

  “I’m not. I don’t know what you’re talking about, Micah.” Hunter blinked innocently at him.

  Dawn laughed, the sound ringing through the warm Nevada air like a spring rain. “The three of you really do act like brothers, biting at each other all the time. How long have you known each other?”

  “I’ve known these two for about ten years. We went to school together.” Micah leaned back, draping one arm over the back of his chair and sitting so his body was turned toward her. “We just clicked, so I guess you could say we are close enough to be brothers. I think I’m the better looking of all of us, though.”

  “I beg to differ,” Wilder said. “We, the infamous twins, are definitely more handsome than a mutt like you.”

  “Guys, really, you’re all easy on the eyes, so stop arguing.” Dawn ran her hands beneath her hair and gathered it into a pony tail, lifting it off her neck. “It’s sort of warm out here, isn’t it?”

  “You can always take your robe off,” Hunter offered.

  “Why did you end up here, Hunter?” Dawn asked, dropping her hair back onto her shoulders.

  He tilted his head thoughtfully. “I wanted to help people. I know that sounds sort of lame, but it’s true.” Hunter shook his head. “Most people think that we work here because we like the sex. We do, but that’s not why we’re here. I, personally, hate to see people who have trouble with their sensuality. It’s so much a part of life, and they’re missing out on it. I think I speak for all three of us when I say we don’t want anyone to miss out on one of the richest parts of life.”

  Micah nodded, agreeing. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

  “I guess I never thought of it that way,” Dawn said, her eyes taking on that faraway look again.

  Micah wondered what memory had entered her mind. She looked a little sad. “You’ve never thought of what that way?” he asked, trying to pull her back into the conversation.

  “What?” She blinked, looking at him as if she had recently woke up. “I’m sorry. I guess my thoughts just wandered off for a moment. What did you ask me?”

  “You said you’d never thought of ‘it’ that way. What were you talking about?”

  “Oh,” she said, smiling. “Sex. About it being one of the richest parts of life.” She took a sip from her glass of champagne. “I guess I’ve always thought of sex as something you did to please someone, or to please yourself. When I think about it now, you all are right about it being a big part of life.”

  “I’m glad we’re helping you to see what your life can be, if you let it,” Wilder said. “It can be so much more than just sex for sex’s sake. You can delve deeply into your desires and reach a heightened awareness of your body.”

  “With your help, I think my life is going to change for the better.” The smile on her face was soft, making her eyes glow with an inner light.

  Micah watched her intently, still wondering what had happened to her before to make her always want control of a situation. How was he going to get her to talk about it? He cleared his throat. Might as well give it a try now, while all four of them were sitting talking together, rather than when they were involved in a session and their minds were on other things. “I’m going to ask you a probing question now, Dawn.”

  She locked eyes with him, her smile fading. “Okay.”

  Micah drew in a breath, hoping he wasn’t going too far. “To help you reach your goals, we need to know more about what makes you who you are. You said earlier that you couldn’t stand not having control, yet you want us to teach you about bondage. You did well with your first experience with Hunter and Wilder, but you seem a little shaky about going any deeper. What happened in your life to cause you to not want to be the submissive one?”

  * * * *

  Hunter clenched his jaw, struggling to keep his mouth shut. He couldn’t believe Micah was asking her to reveal her deepest secrets so soon. Hunter could tell Dawn had something in her past she was trying to fight against. A dragon she wanted to slay so that she could live her life on her terms. He hoped Micah hadn’t just blown the whole thing.

  Dawn drew her hands into her lap and lowered her chin, her gaze following the direction of her hands. “It’s hard to talk about. It was a long time ago, and I’ve buried it pretty well.”

  “You haven’t buried it deep enough to not let it bother you.” Micah scooted his chair closer to hers and reached for her hand. “Come on, tell us.”

  Hunter realized he was holding his breath and slowly let it out. “If she doesn’t want to talk, it’s okay.”

  Micah whipped his gaze to Hunter. “In my opinion, it will be good for her to get it out in the open.”

  Hunter felt anger rise up like bile in his throat. He had a strong sense of needing to protect Dawn. He knew underneath that confident shell she showed the outside world there was a part of her that was as fragile as a rose petal and just as easily crushed. “Well, in my opinion, it’s better to wait until she’s comfortable enough with us to reveal it
herself without our prompting.”

  “Guys, really, don’t argue over me.” Dawn reached across the table and rested her hand on Hunter’s forearm. “I’ll tell you now. It’s okay. Besides, that’s what I’m here for—therapy.”

  Hunter gazed into her eyes, his heart clenching. He knew she was about to reveal something about herself she really didn’t want to. He placed his free hand on top of hers. “Whenever you’re ready,” he said softly, patting her hand.

  * * * *

  Dawn swallowed, her mouth dry and her throat tight. Hunter held her left hand sandwiched between his forearm and other hand. She grabbed her glass of champagne with her free hand and drank deeply. The water sluiced down her throat like an answer to a prayer. When she placed the glass back down on the table, she began to speak.

  “It’s been a few years,” she began, her eyes trained solidly on the empty glass in front of her. “I was deeply in love with a man who was quite a bit older than me. When I say ‘deeply,’ I mean my world revolved around him. If I didn’t see him daily, I was lost.” She drew in a settling breath then let it out. The men surrounding the table were completely quiet, waiting for her to go on at her own pace.

  “Well, one night,” she continued, “we had just had sex, and I was getting up from the bed when he told me he had been noticing how wide my hips were getting to be. I felt like I’d been slapped. I hadn’t gained a pound since we’d been together, and he knew the size of my hips was a sore spot with me. His comment hurt me so badly, I started to cry. And when I cried, he laughed and told me to stop being such a child.” She paused to take a shaky breath. Why it still bothered her, she had no idea. She cleared her throat and continued on. “He left me soon after, and I’ve never seen him again. Ever since then, I’ve never let someone get the upper hand over me. I don’t want to be in a position that I’m so vulnerable I’ll cry at someone’s offhand comment. I don’t want anyone to have the power to hurt me so quickly and easily.”

  Hunter squeezed her hand. “We all get hurt at times. It’s part of life. We get over it and move on. That’s what you did, but you let it affect your future relationships and you shouldn’t do that. We’ll help you learn to let someone else take the lead.”

  His voice was soft and soothing, and she felt her nerves settle as she listened to him. She vaguely wondered if he used his voice to hypnotize people.

  “We use bondage to help people through situations like this, and since you’ve requested to learn about bondage in your questionnaire, we’re on the same page,” Wilder chimed in.

  Micah placed a hand on her shoulder. “Thank you for sharing with us. We’ll do our best to help you work through this.”

  Dawn sighed, a sense of relief flowing through her. “I’m feeling better already.”

  “Revealing some of your secrets gives you almost a sense of freedom, doesn’t it?” Micah raised an eyebrow.

  She nodded. “Yes, it does.” She let out a little laugh. “Funny how you brought that up.”

  He leaned forward until she could feel his breath against her ear. “Since you’re feeling a little freer, are you ready to learn about being submissive?”

  Heat trickled through her veins, warming her body in all the right places. She turned her head toward him, their noses touching. “Yes, I’m ready.” Then she tilted her head and kissed him.

  Chapter Seven

  Dawn parted her lips and invited him inside. Micah didn’t hesitate, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. She sucked at him, moaning in deep in her throat. She could hear the other two men talking while Micah made love to her mouth with his hot, wet tongue.

  “Should we continue this out here, or take her inside?” Hunter asked.

  “Let’s go in. We’ll see how far she’s ready to take it,” Wilder replied.

  “In the room?” Hunter asked.

  “I think so.” Wilder walked to stand at her side, smoothing her hair back. “Come on, Dawn, let’s go inside and begin.”

  Micah leaned back, breaking the kiss. His eyes flashed as he ran his tongue over his upper lip while his gaze stayed locked on hers.

  Dawn was on fire, flames licking at her skin from the sizzling rush of lust that had invaded her. She wanted to get started and wanted it now. Without any more hesitation, she rose from her chair. Cupping Micah’s cheek in her hand, she ran her thumb over his lips once, then turned and walked toward the sliding glass door and on inside the suite.

  She took only three steps into the living room before someone grabbed her arm and stopped her. “Oh!” She whipped around, surprised, and found Hunter standing there, his hand on her arm. “Did I do something wrong?” she asked, noticing the serious look on his face.

  “You’re acting like you’re the one in control again. You need to let us take the lead.” Hunter pulled her closer, taking her by both arms and pulling her to his chest. “This is sort of like a role-playing game, Dawn. We are the bosses, and you do what we say. You will be our submissive, is that clear?”

  She took a deep breath and answered. “Yes, Hunter. It’s clear, but you need to understand I’m not used to this and may need some instruction.” Her tummy trembled at the thought of all three of them having their hands on her at once. It was a decadent fantasy and, she hoped, one that would be fulfilled today.

  “We’ll give you orders, and you will follow them. Do you remember your safe word?” Hunter raised an eyebrow.

  She nodded. “Vegas. That’s my safe word.”

  He smiled down at her. “Then we’re ready to begin. If it gets to be too much, say the word, your safe word. Clear?”

  She nodded again. Then next thing she knew, her robe was being removed from behind, and within seconds, she stood before them completely naked. She glanced at the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  “There’s no one out there,” Wilder said, standing to her left. He ran one hot hand over the curve of her ass. “Besides, it wouldn’t matter if there was someone out there. If we want to see your lovely body, we’ll undress you whenever and wherever we please.” He threaded his fingers into her hair and raked it back from her ear. “And if we want to do things to your body,” he said, his breath warm and moist against her earlobe, “we’ll do them whether we have an audience or not. Agreed?” He ran his tongue from her earlobe down the side of her neck to her shoulder, causing her to shudder. “Answer me, Dawn,” he ordered, tugging her hair a bit.

  “Anything, you’ll do anything you want, yes,” she said, her body coming alive with need. When Hunter released her arms and placed both hands on her breasts, she gasped, arching her back instinctively.

  Hunter chuckled, rolling her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. “Oh we are already excited, aren’t we? I’ll bet you’re already wet. Are you, Dawn?”

  She blinked, trembling. “Yes.”

  “Good.” Hunter tweaked her nipples hard, sending shocks of electricity all the way to the back of her tongue. “Let’s move into the room where we can get really involved with each other.”

  Hunter on one side and Wilder on the other, both of them holding her arms, they guided her into the room with the locked door. Once inside, the twins went to a cabinet and began gathering things from inside it. Micah closed the door behind them and turned to her. “You are a lovely woman,” he said, stepping toward her.

  Dawn caught her bottom lip between her teeth, trying to keep her focus on Micah instead of looking at whatever the twins were removing from that cabinet. It was hard to do since she heard chains rattling metallically.

  Micah stopped directly in front of her and placed both hands on her shoulders. “I can’t wait to be inside of you again.”

  Hunter handed something to Micah. It was black and she couldn’t quite make out what it was, but it only took a moment for her to realize its true use. Micah stretched out the material and smiled. “Close your eyes for a moment,” he said.

  She did as he asked and felt him place the material over her eyes, fastening it in the back of her head. She reached
up to touch it lightly. “A blindfold?”

  “Yes, this way you’ll focus on what you’re feeling instead of what is happening to you,” Micah said. “There’s going to be quite a few other things attached to your body, and then you’ll be lifted. Don’t worry, we won’t drop you.”

  The inability to see what they were doing made her nervous. The men began strapping things to her wrists, ankles, and even around her waist. Then one of them was standing behind her, and she felt someone else at her feet. She gasped a sharp intake of breath when her feet left the floor and she fell backward into the arms of the one behind her. Chains rattled, and someone let out a grunt, like he was doing something that took some effort. A moment later, the hands that were holding her horizontally let go, and she began to sway. She grabbed at the air, catching the straps that led from her wrist restraints in her hands and closing her fingers around them.

  Her body was suspended from something, she had no idea whether it was the ceiling or not, and her arms and legs were spread widely as she swayed slightly in the air. “I’m a little scared,” she said, trying to shift herself but unable to do more than cause herself to swing wider. At least whatever was strapped around her waist helped support her back.

  “No need to be scared,” Wilder said, sounding like he was on her right side. “We won’t allow you to get hurt. Now, not another sound out of you. Unless we ask you to make a sound, that is.” She felt him lean over her, and then a mouth closed over her right nipple.

  Hands began to roam over her body, sliding over skin, plucking her nipples and delving into the sweet cleft between her legs. With every touch, she grew hotter, her body beginning to release a sheen of sweat. She wanted to moan but pressed her lips together to keep from making a sound.

  The men moved around her until she didn’t know who was who, only that they were playing her body like an instrument for pleasure. Then she felt one of them slide beneath her. She must be near the floor but held high enough for someone to lie beneath her. She wasn’t sure of the positioning, the blindfold taking her completely out of her element.